Liposuction vs Gastric Bypass

If you are looking to slim your figure via plastic surgery, two options may have come to mind: liposuction and or gastric bypass surgery. Just because these two are often referred to together, you don’t want to make the mistake of assuming they are the same. Liposuction and gastric bypass are two different surgeries that serve two completely different purposes.

The purpose of liposuction is to change the bodies appearance. Liposuction removes fat a few pounds at a time, sculpting certain areas. Women are more likely to receive liposuction than men. The most likely place for liposuction to be used is in the middle stomach area. This procedure is meant only to remove bulges. It does nothing for cellulite or extra skin. During liposuction, fluid is injected in between the muscle and fat, allowing fat to be suctioned out of the body. The entire procedure rarely takes longer than four hours.

Gastric Bypass, on the other hand, is a surgery for those intending to lose weight long term. When all dieting, exercise, and other plans do not work, bariatric surgery is the only remaining option for people who suffer from obesity. During gastric bypass surgery, part of the intestine is bypassed. This reduces the amount of nutrients that can be absorbed, which in turn allows the patient to lose weight.

If you are in good health, but are still looking to rid yourself of a few stubborn fat pockets, liposuction may be the right choice for you. If your body weight is within thirty percent of the ideal, you will most likely be considered for this surgery by a physician. Bariatric surgery such as gastric bypass will only be considered if you are severely obese and unable to control your weight gain. In most cases, patients with this kind of morbid obesity suffer from genetic or medical conditions

In the case of liposuction, complications are minimal. There is the chance that fat cells will enter the blood stream, but this is not likely and not detrimental to your health. You should still consult your surgeon about the possibility and what to do if it happens. Gastric bypass, on the other hand, is generally a bit more intense. A longer recovery time is required after having this surgery. Consult your physician to find out the risks for you having gastric bypass, as it varies from person to person.

As for the price, they vary drastically. In the United States, Liposuction averages anywhere from 2 to 5 thousand dollars for the abdominal areas. This varies based on how many areas are removed and how large they are. For the thighs, they usually cost about 3 thousand for both. Gastric Bypass surgery usually costs anywhere from 20 to 25 thousand. Both of these prices generally include lodging.

Liposuction and Gastric Bypass surgeries are two different procedures that serve two separate purposes. If you are in the South Florida area and considering liposuction or are still not sure which of these surgeries are right for you, give us a call. LIV Plastic Surgery is conveniently located in Boca Raton. Our team of board certified plastic surgeons can help you make the right decision.

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